InUnison Online Platform

Posted: May. 21, 2020 • By Mark Villani | CTV News Calgary Video Journalist

InUnison Online Platform

Online platform will help Calgary bars and restaurants reopen safely

CALGARY — A new health and safety management initiative has provided Alberta restaurants with proper guidelines and procedures to re-open their doors to dine-in service.

The Alberta Hospitality Association (AHA) and the Alberta Small Brewers Association (ABSA) have partnered with tech company, InUnison, to launch a streamlined accessible online platform based on guidance from the Alberta Health Authority.

The three organizations worked together to develop a cloud-based, COVID-19 reopen platform that’s accessible online from any device.

Brett Ireland, who sits on the board of directors for the AHA and ASBA, says his team at Last Best Brewing and Distilling on 11th Avenue S.W. have started implementing some of the guidelines to reopen safely next week.

“One is the most important things we’ve done is reduce our seating capacity,” said Ireland.

“Aside from that, we are requiring guests to give us a name and contact information at the door in case Alberta health needs it for contact tracing.”

Ireland adds that customers will order from a menu sent to them on their phones, all employees will be wearing masks and doors have been retrofitted to open with people’s feet instead of touching door handles with their hands.

“In terms of service, we’ll also bring products over to you and place them on a second table set up in front of the table you’re sitting at,” he said.

“There will be plexiglass barriers at some of our locations and hand sanitizer at all tables and bathrooms.”

The online platform, designed by InUnison also provides employees with added training and extra screening for symptoms.

An Alberta COVID-19 self-assessment questionnaire has been included in the platform for employees to complete each day.

Graeme Math, co-Founder of InUnison, adds the goal is to provide business owners with the ability to communicate, manage and improve workplace health and safety.

“As soon as employees create a profile, it asks them if they’re symptomatic for COVID-19 and if they say they are, it will automatically notify their manager who can then put further procedures in place,” he said.

“What we want to do is make sure businesses who need the support have access to it.”

Calgary restaurants are scheduled to open dine-in service again on Monday, May 25.

Ireland says his team is looking forward to getting back to work.

“We feel confident with these guidelines,” he said.

“Our staff feels confident and we’ve been getting a lot of good feedback from our guests that we’ll continue to pay attention to as we get back to our new normal.”

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