Stay Safe

Event Filtering
  • May 27, 2020
  • Kevin Kholer

Event Filtering


The more data that is entered into your InUnison system, the harder it will be to find an event in the Events listing.  There is a filtering tool to assist you in narrowing down the list so you can easily find what you are looking for.

Step 1

Log in to and click on Events in the top menu.

Step 2

You will notice a Filter events option right above the listing of events.

Step 3

Click on Filter events to open the filtering options.

Step 4

Choose how you would like to filter the events and select the appropriate drop-down menu. In our example, we are filtering by Hazard ID.

You will notice that your event listing is now only showing Hazard ID events.  You can review these events as required.  If you want to change your filtered request, you can choose other options from the drop-down menus and/or click the x beside your filtered choices or click “Clear filters” on the right to remove them.

Step 5

If you would like to download these selected events to a .csv file, click on Download CSV.

You will be given an option to download all events or the filtered list.

The CSV will now be available for you to use and format in Excel.

You have now successfully filtered your events.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, please contact us.  We want you to succeed and are here to help!

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